Country: Turkmenistan

Local name: Türkmenistan

Capital: Ashgabat

Area (in sq km): 488100

Population: 4940916

Continent: AS

Domain: .tm

Currency Code: TMT

Currency Name: Manat

Phone: 993

Languages: tk,ru,uz

Neighboring countries: AF,IR,UZ,KZ

Country: Turkmenistan

Local name: Türkmenistan

Capital: Ashgabat

Area (in sq km): 488100

Population: 4940916

Continent: AS

Domain: .tm

Currency Code: TMT

Currency Name: Manat

Phone: 993

Languages: tk,ru,uz

Neighboring countries: AF,IR,UZ,KZ

List of cities in Turkmenistan

There are 7 regions in Turkmenistan, in which there are more than 29 cities with a population of over 5,000 people.

Detailed information:

Region (State) - click to sort Number of cities
1 Ahal welaýaty (Ahal) 5
2 Aşgabat (Ashgabat) 1
3 Balkan welaýaty (Balkan) 5
4 Aşgabat (Daşoguz) 6
5 Lebap welaýaty (Lebap) 6
6 Mary welaýaty (Mary) 5
7 Other (Other) 1